
No one should be denied access to affordable and comprehensive healthcare based on their personal circumstances. I will work to expand access to public health resources across our community because we are collectively stronger when these barriers are removed.

Three top healthcare priorities include:

1) Reducing Healthcare Costs

Living with Type 2 diabetes, I understand firsthand how prescription drug prices are out of control. I will continue to fight to lower these costs so that our community does not have to decide between buying prescriptions or groceries.

2) Making Healthcare More Accessible

Arizona families have diverse needs, especially when it comes to their healthcare. I will continue to work towards ensuring universal access to affordable and comprehensive healthcare, regardless of personal circumstances.

3) Creating a Healthier Arizona

Our long-term health outcomes should not be determined by our zip code. I support policies that address the social determinants of health as well as the needs of the whole person that encompasses their physical, emotional, and social wellbeing.